教学研究 · 2012-05-11 00:00
返回哥伦比亚大学系世界一流大学,1754年建校,美国历史最悠久高等学府之一,常青藤盟校(Ivy League)成员;培养了包括奥巴马在内的多位美国总统,已有79位校友或教学研究人员获诺贝尔奖,其中9位系现任教员(包括李政道教授)...
哥伦比亚大学系世界一流大学,1754年建校,美国历史最悠久高等学府之一,常青藤盟校(Ivy League)成员;培养了包括奥巴马在内的多位美国总统,已有79位校友或教学研究人员获诺贝尔奖,其中9位系现任教员(包括李政道教授)。
1. 负责开展和管理有关学术或政策的研究项目,撰写项目报告及总结;
2. 负责中心各项会议的组织、联络及协调;
3. 其他相关项目协调工作;
4. 要求本科或以上学历;
5. 优秀的中英文写作能力,英文专业优先;
6. 具有良好的沟通能力、责任意识及团队协作精神,有工作经验优先。
Notice of Job Openings Columbia Global Center | East Asia
Columbia University in the City of New York is one of the most prestigious universities in the world with 79 alumni and faculty having won the Noble Prize. The University’s ties with modern China dated back to the 19th Century, when it was among the first American universities to admit Chinese students.
In history, many Chinese who attended and graduated from Columbia became influential statesmen, scientists, philosophers, and educators in their later lives, such as Tang Shaoyi, Hu Shi, Tao Xingzhi, and others. The Columbia Global Center | East Asia serves as an on-the-ground platform for Columbia’s students, faculty, and alumni to interact with local academic, policy studies, and business communities.
The Center would like to attract talents with competitive compensation and benefits, an open friendly working environment, and access to high-quality Chinese and foreign scholars and experts. The Center places importance on job candidates’ integrity, experience and communication capabilities.
Specific requirements for the position are as below:
Program Officer:
-Developing and managing research and policy study programs;
-Organizing conferences and seminars;
-B.A./B.S. degree or above;
-Fluent in both Chinese and English;
-Excellent capability in communication, strong sense of responsibility;
-The overseas experience is preferred
Applicants interested in the above position should email resumes to beijingcenter@columbia.edu, entitled as “Applicant’s Name + Applied Position + School + Major” before June 30th, 2012. After reviewing the applications, we will notify prospective candidates for interviews.